I hope thesappinessscale serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in all our readers as to what inspires us in this crazy world. So, please sit back, relax, and read on.
Just two kids who are hoping to find beauty in this world.
Hello ya'll,Â
We have no clue why you are here, but we are glad if you are.Â
This blog is dedicated to us talking about the things we like such as movies, books and shows and to highlight why we like them.
Along with that, we hope to share some of the positive aspects of things, that we think exist.
Hoping this helps lighten your day just a little bit and helps you appreciate the small things in life.
Thank You for being here and supporting us.
- Ju&J.
I've been reading these blogs since the first lockdown and these blogs are SOO good that they bring smiles to my face by the end of every blog. Smol beans tryna spread some positivity? Well, that's true!! Love your blogs Ju and J💕
Absolutely iconic, we love to see it!
Harshita Bhandari
Ameya Kokatay
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